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Bearded Dragons  
Bearded dragons are one of the UK's most popular reptile pet. Their docile nature and ease of handling makes them great for people new to reptile keeping. However, the breeding of unique colour morphs also make them popular with advanced reptile keepers. Bearded dragons do require high levels of UV and heat in order to stay healthy. Due to their size, they will also require a large vivarium. All these points can easily be met with our in store starter kits.Bearded dragons are omnivores and will require e both vegetation and livefood as part of their diet. 
Pros: A good starter species due to their reasonable ease of care and good handling nature. 
Cons: Require high levels of heat and specialist lighting. Will also require a large enclosure. 
Leopard Gecko  
Leopard geckos are one of the easiest species of lizard to keep and house within captivity. They require lower levels of UV and can deal with a wider range of temperature gradients making them suitable for beginners. Their colourful patterns and colour morphs make them popular with all levels of reptile keepers. Leopard geckos are mainly active during lower light levels and will often spend the majority of the day hidden away. This sometimes makes them less popular than other beginner reptile species such as bearded dragons. 
Pros: A good reptile starter species that stay at a manageable size. Generally good for handling. 
Cons: Less active in the daytime. Also will require a diet made solely of livefood.  
Yemen Chameleon   
Yemen Chameleons are one of the more common species of chameleon that are kept as pets. As with all chameleon species, they will require good ventilation and high humidity within their enclosure. Chameleons are excellent climbers and is important that they get the height that they require. Lots of branches and decor should be used to ensure that they most is made from the space provided. They will also require lots of places to hide behind to make them feel secure. Handling will be dependant on the individual and not all chameleons will enjoy this. 
Pros: An interesting species of lizard to keep that is extremely interesting to observe. 
Cons: Require specialist care and not always good for handling. 
Corn Snakes   
Corn snakes are by far the best choice for first time snake owners. Generally, they are easy to handle, easy feeders and have less specialist requirements compared to other snake species. The range of colours and markings that are available make them popular with a wide range of people. As with all snakes, it is important that your corn snake has a fully secure enclosure. Corn snakes are escape artists and will be able to fit through the smallest of gaps. Corn snakes will require a diet of rodent foods of suitable size, This will be purchased frozen and fed once defrosted. 
Pros: A good starter species for handling and care. Generally good feeders.  
Cons: Due to their large adult size, they will require a long vivarium at this point. 
Royal Python   
Royal pythons are one of the smaller of the python family. They are generally good for handling and their unusual markings and patterns make them popular with both beginners and specialist breeders. Royal pythons do not get to a large size like other similar species. Therefore, it is easier to provide them with adequate living conditions. Heating and lighting requirements are generally more basic than many other species of snake. They can sometimes become fussy feeders which can be a downfall for inexperienced keepers. 
Pros: Good for handling and its smaller size makes it more manageable.
Cons: Can be a fussy feeder. Requires a diet male solely of rodent food types.
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