Your Local, Friendly Pet Store...
Animaltastic Henlow Shop Floor

Welcome to Animaltastic Welwyn Garden City. This is our second store and first opened in 2014 following the success of our first store within Hemel Hempstead. For this store, we took over an empty unit and opened a similar store for the people of Welwyn Garden City. This store focuses more on products for domestic pets. However, has a large area for the more exotic and specialist pet hobby too. 

This store has a modern feel about it with its tall ceilings and extremely large shop floor space. This allows us to hold thousands of product lines for all your pet needs. 

On the shop floor, it is clear that there is a wide range of cat and dog foods. Our own brand food is very popular and is able to offer your pets an extremely high quality, balanced diet, without the high price tag. We also stock a large variety of frozen dog foods for those wanting to feed a more natural diet. Our staff are always at hand for any pet nutritional advice. 

Our animal room is home to all of our small pets looking for their new homes. We stock a wide varitety of smaller pets such as mice, rats, gerbils, hamsters, guinea pigs and rabbits. Many of our rodent pets are bred by ourselves to ensure we can provide the best quality pets and to avoid the use of rodent farms where animals can be overbred in cramped conditions. 

We also stock a good selection of birds. These will range from canaries, finches, doves, budgies, cockatiels and other similar small parakeets. Keep an eye out for any of our hand reared conures or other small parrots that may be within this area too. Ask any of our staff about their care and requirements and they will talk you through all aspects of pet bird care. 

Our hay, straw and shavings can also be found in this area. Our own bags of these products are of the highest quality and at unbelieveable prices. Stock up in bulk and save even more on these fantastic products. 

Our reptile area is home to a wide variety of more unusual pets. We stock a number of easy to keep reptile species that could help give you a keen interest in reptiles. We are there every step of the way to ensure that you have all the knowledge and equipment you could need for your cold blooded friend. With our in store starter kits, it has never been simpler to keep your new reptile in top condition with everything they need. 

We also stock a wide variety of invertebrates including a number of millipede, mantis and tarantula species. Our specialised staff can talk you through their care and point out which species are more suited for beginners or advanced keepers. 

This area is also where you will find our fresh livefood for all your reptile pets. Straight from the farm, our livefood is always at the best quality and we have many deals to ensure you can save when buying in bulk. Why not visit us today to see our store for yourself? 

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