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FRONTLINE Spot On Dog Small - 3 pipettes

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Product Details

FRONTLINE Spot On Small for dogs 2 to 10 kg.

Dogs can pick up fleas and ticks wherever they explore. Prepare them for adventure with the protection of FRONTLINE Spot On. Use monthly and provide a first line defence for fleas and ticks.

- Kills fleas within 24 hours
- Kills ticks within 48 hours helping to reduce the risk of tick-borne disease
- Kills lice

How to protect your dog:
- Use monthly throughout the year for continuous flea and tick protection
- Make sure all cats and dogs in your home are treated regularly

How to treat a home infestation: follow the 2 steps above as well as the 2 steps below
- Use a household flea treatment to kill eggs and larvae already in the home
- Regularly vacuum your carpets and furnishings

Checklist for using the product:
- The dog is at least 8 weeks old and 2 kg
- The dog shows no signs of lesions or feeling unwell. If they show any of these signs, do not apply and see a veterinary surgeon
- The correct size of pipette is being selected according to the dog's weight

How to apply:
Part the fur between the shoulder blades and apply directly onto the skin in two spots 2-3 cm apart.

Do not bathe dogs or let them swim within 2 days after application, then no more than once a week.
Can be used in pregnancy and lactation. Do not use on rabbits.

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